Wrestling with Myself 5: Looking the PartI've been wrestling with "looking the part" lately. I feel like I've got the right stuff but don't quite fit the image of what "right"...
Wrestling with Myself 4: Am I a Good Friend?I've been wrestling a lot lately with my friends. (Let me rephrase because that either sounds sexy or childish, depending on your...
Wrestling with Myself 3: Am I Special Enough?I've been wrestling with feeling special. It's not that I don't feel special enough. To the contrary, I can't figure out why someone so...
Wrestling with Myself 2: I Thought I was Better than This!I've been wrestling a lot with my choices lately. That's a really polite way of saying that I've been fucking up. My priorities have been...
Wrestling with MyselfI've been wrestling with myself lately. (Before we go any further, that's not a jerking off reference. This isn't that kind of blog,...